2 Quotes & Sayings By Sylvia Alice Earle

Sylvia Alice Earle was born in 1893. She was the eldest of six children. At age 12 she was given her first typewriter, and before she was 15 she was writing for newspapers and magazines. At 18, she left home to live alone in New York City where she worked as a freelance journalist Read more

When the First World War broke out, she volunteered to work with the Red Cross. After the war, she returned to New York and worked for five years at the Herald Tribune. Then she moved to Washington D.C., where she became city editor of The Washington Times-Herald.

At 23, she married Ralph Earle, a reporter for the United Press wire service and they moved to Santa Barbara, California where they were married officially. In 1922, they moved to Hollywood where Ralph took a job as a news correspondent for Universal Studios and Sylvia worked as a script writer at Warner Bros.